Dear Five Acres Family and Friends,

The World Health Organization has labeled the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic in the United States. A pandemic occurs when a disease is spreading from a variety of sources across a large region. The number of cases across the United States is still small, however, given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we at Five Acres have decided to proactively initiate our Pandemic Prevention Protocol to best protect our staff and our Five Acres children who live in our care.

This will involve increased oversight and use of self-quarantine, improved cleaning and food service procedures, and a new visitors policy at all sites as of 3.18.20 to include the following:

1. Visitors will be logged in at reception as usual.

2. A temperature check will be provided by the receptionist with a No Touch thermometer, and if the visitors is identified with a fever (over 100 degrees) they will be asked to reschedule.

3. Visitors without a fever but have a cough will be required wear a protective mask while visiting the Five Acres site. 

In advance, if you are scheduled to visit Five Acres and are feeling under the weather or experiencing the onset of symptoms, please contact us to reschedule your visit with Five Acres or to schedule an engagement via conference call and/or video conferencing. 

Thank you for understanding and helping us to keep our staff and Five Acres children safe.


Chanel W. Boutakidis, MA, LMFT

Chief Executive Officer