Discover the ways to support Five Acres by planning now for the future
The last few years have impacted our community in so many ways and directions, and through it all, Five Acres did not close its doors one day, quickly pivoting to telehealth to continue to provide critical services to the children and community in need. We know now, more than ever in its 134-year history, Five Acres is needed for their heart, strength, resilience, and as a resource for those in greatest need, vulnerable children and families, and will be into perpetuity.
Giving Later
Did you know that there are many creative ways to support Five Acres, and for some right now, the answer may be “not now”, but “when” or “later”:
- You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime simply by naming Five Acres in your estate plans, will or trust.
- Your lasting support will make a transformative difference in the future of children in our community.
These planned legacy gifts are recognized in the Five Acres Legacy Society. This Society was formed as a way for like-minded humanitarians to leave a legacy to serve future children and families in need. By including Five Acres in your estate plans, you are ensuring the safety, well-being, and permanency of Southern California’s children as if they were your own. If you have a special place in your heart for our mission, we encourage you to consider including Five Acres in your estate plans or trust.
If you have already included Five Acres in your estate plan, please let us know by contacting Jennifer Berger at jberger@5acres.org. We require no information except the knowledge that you have made provisions for Five Acres in your planning and with that, we would like to honor you through inclusion in our Legacy Society. And if you have a story you would like to share of why you have chosen Five Acres as part of your estate planning, we would love to hear it!
You Can Make a Difference Today for Tomorrow.