Behavioral Health Treatments
Behavioral health is basically the correlation between our behavior and our holistic well-being. These behaviors refer to those that come about due to addictions such as substance abuse, exercising, and eating habits. The term behavioral health is usually interchangeable with mental health. In essence, it does not mean the same this since behavioral health is more inclusive than mental health. Ā It not only deals with mental issues, but also encompasses other environmental factors that affect our behaviors. Behavioral health also focuses on other factors like uncontrollableĀ circumstances. Such as, living in an area where there is high pollution which is something a person may not be able to change.
Today, there are several behavioral health treatments available. They are usually provided in a different location such as hospitals, schools, independent providers, jails and prisons, community health centers, inpatient service providers, substance use disorder rehabilitation and specialty community behavioral health centers among others. This article discusses these treatments below.
Behavioral Health Medication
Modern medicine has various prescription medications available to treat substance abuse and mental disorders. The effectiveness of the medications in treating people with the same disorders varies. That is some people respond better to the treatment than others. The effectiveness of the medication can also change with time. Thus, it is not strange for a person to discover that the medication that was working for them fail to do so after some time. This necessitates that their medical practitioner change the prescribed drugs. Medication is usually more effective when used alongside psychotherapy or counseling. Mental health problems medications include mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, anti-psychotic medications, and medication for attention issues. Ā Medical professionals also use medications to treat substance abuse disorders.
Behavioral Health Supportive Services
Supportive services are also useful in helping people with behavioral health problems to lead healthier lives and function well in the society. This form of treatment offers support to people with behavioral health issues. Such as, enabling them to access treatment for their physical health problems, helping them find jobs in an environment that has social interactions and helping those who lack child care or transportation get it.
Recovery support is also another aspect of supportive treatment. This can help people create a lifestyle that encourages recovery. It also encourages patients to control symptoms by using regular treatment or peer support groups. These services also advocate for social inclusion and community integration for individuals with substance abuse disorders or mental issues and their families. Health care providers encourage recovering patients to facilitate and design peer support services.
Individual and Group Counseling
Doctors strongly recommend individual and group counseling sessions to treat behavioral health problems. Counseling and psychotherapy sessions aim at changing thoughts, emotions, attitudes and behaviors. Skilled clinicians,Ā like counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers offer the counseling. All clinicians have a unique way of delivering counseling to their patients. Some encourage them to seek their own solutions to the problems ailing them. This approach is exercised by the clinicians who subscribe to the theory of Cognitive -Behavioral Therapy. The best thing to do for a person to increase the effectiveness of the treatment is finding the best therapist and forge a good relationship with them. The duration of counseling depends on various factors such as the type of therapy, and goal of treatment. It can be a one on one session per individual or in groups of people with the same issues.
Treatment for Co-occurring Substance and Mental Disorder
Integrated treatment is used to treat individuals who suffer from mental abuse and also abuse substances. These situations are common and such people need to be treated and assisted to regain control over their lives. The integrated treatment has many benefits such as fewer arrests, Ā decreased substance abuse, reduced hospitalization, and increased housing stability.
Learn more about Five Acres Behavioral Health Treatments.