Five Acres Launches Corporate Partnership Program

Five Acres is pleased to announce our new Corporate Partnership Program, an opportunity for a corporate partner to think bigger, beyond an event sponsorship!

In exchange for underwriting a cause-awareness campaign, your company can receive co-branding with Five Acres & attract new clients who value the collaboration between your business and a nonprofit.  Aligning your business with Five Acres can help with brand perception, enhance your corporate responsibility and encourage your employees to get involved!

Five Acres has (4) key cause awareness campaigns throughout the year; Adoption Awareness (November,) Child Abuse Prevention(April,) Foster Care Awareness (May,) and Mental Health Awareness (May.) Opportunities to co-brand and collaborate with Five Acres include (but are not limited to,) print, outdoor, radio and TV commercials. With a pledge, match, or contribution our corporate partners gain access to exclusive events, custom content on social media, logo inclusion, volunteer/in-service days, recognition on our donor wall and so much more!

Please contact Rebecca Haussling at 626.773.3809 or email to discuss all the various ways in which your corporation or business can partner with Five Acres to maximize your giving efforts.