Dear Five Acres Family and Friends,
Since 1888, Five Acres has been bringing HOPE to more than 9,000 children and families we serve annually. In lieu of this year’s Gala, Five Acres is launching the HOPE IS HERE campaign at a time when many children and families have encountered exceptional challenges, uncertainties and an even greater need for support.
Unexpected life events can push families and individuals to their limits. This is especially true for Five Acres children and families, who are already confronting daunting circumstances and need our assistance now more than ever. Five Acres helps foster children heal and find permanent loving families and brighter futures. We offer pathways to those who wish to open their homes and hearts to children in need. And we help families who are struggling by building strong, healthy communities – one child, one family at a time.
But we can’t do it alone. You are part of the Five Acres family and we need your help.
With your generous support, Five Acres will continue to sustain and reach even more children and families who are struggling and in pain. Please make a donation today towards the HOPE IS HERE campaign to replace critically needed funds that would normally be raised at our Five Acres Gala, which has been postponed until 2022.
Thank You To Our Underwriters
Concept Builders and Hahn & Hahn
Thank You To Our Supporters
Mariann and Tom Nolan
Christine V. Selak
Jeffrey Schroder
Naoki Kobayashi
Alex Klepikow
Duran Solis
Lawrence Nikolai
Toni Long
Diana Hardy
Brandon Ito
Nicole Rasic
Tina Wallin
Jim Avedikian
Cathy Clement
Naomi M. Farley
Susan McGuirl
Linda D. Sakellariou
Irwin & Judith Wong
Shauna Clark
Bill Mac Millen
Shoshana Puccia

- Tag a friend in a Five Acres’ HOPE IS HERE campaign social media post
- Repost/share our HOPE IS HERE campaign post on your personal social media
- Start your own HOPE IS HERE Facebook campaign